

Hello! We have started new theme which is called "Animals". I really like this theme! How do you think, which animals are the most dangerous in the world? I have just watched a video about this. Number 10 is a bear. Bears kill about 5 people each year. Number 9 is a shark. Although, sharks take the 9th place, I think white sharks are the most dangerous animals. Sharks kill about 100 people every year. Number 8 is a jellyfish. Jellyfishes can be very poisonous. Jellyfishes can live in the river. This is very dangerous for us! Number 7 is a hippo! It kills about 200 people every year. The elephant takes a place number 6. Elephants can be very dangerous.When The elephant is angry it can do very terrifying things. Number 5 is a crocodile. It can swim and run very fast. In my view, crocodiles and sharks are the most dangerous animals. Number 4 is a tiger. I love tigers. Tiger is my favorite animal. Number 3 is a scorpion. Although, scorpion is very dangerous, I like this animal too. Number 2 is a snake. Snakes are very poisonous creatures. Cobra kills about 125 000 people each year.The most dangerous animal is a mosquito. Every year mosquitoes kill about 3 million people. Although, these animals are very dangerous, I like them!!!

My Sport

 Hello! Do you like to do sport? I like sport very much. I do Karate since I was 5 years old. My friend Oleksiy Skursky and I won the second places in Kyiv championship of Karate this month. It was unforgettable! My friend Vlad won the first place. Although, it was very hard for him, he won the first place.Sadly, because I did not won the first place, but I am going to win the competition on the 24th of December. I know a lot of famous karatists in the world. For example Lechi Kurbanov. He is a sample for me. He has won a lot of competitions. I am working hard and I think I will won the championship on the 24th of December. I love sport, and Sport is my life. 

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